We walked for one hour

Julie Mansell
17 March 2014

Yesterday, I called a friend of mine who lives a few street away from me. Eventhough we live so close by, we just don’t seem to find the time to get together. Well, thanks to this challenge, an easy and healthy solution was found. This afternoon we went for a 45 minute walk together. It really was a brisk walk, not a leisurely stroll.

After our walk, we made a commitment to begin walking Monday & Wednesday evenings for 45-1 hour each. We both spoke about our latest happenings and the walk really gave us a chance to catch up.

So mentally, the walk of this afternoon really was beneficial for me. I felt happier and less stressed when I came back from my walk with Michelle. Just talking about my latest incidents and challenges to my friend, she does not judge…well, just the venting helped. I got back home feeling more positive, more encouraged and with more energy.

Physically, I know that getting the exercise will help me to lose weight…this also provides me with a sense that I am doing something positive for my health. Also, I know that I will sleep better tonight. By sticking to our commitment to each other, I know the regular exercise can only be helpful for my weight and therefore my self esteem will rise and my stress level should lower.

It was great to talk and catch up with Michelle. We both realised how much we had missed ‘girl talk’ and both of us admitted that we loved the break. Also, we both mentioned that we were returning home with a better attitude. We are looking forward to our commitment of walking two nights a week. We don’t want to overdo or be too ambitious to start. We even set up rules and guidelines so that we stick to our commitment.

I was out of the house for one hour (walked briskly for 45 minutes) and it did me a world of good. I am looking forward to walking and really do see the event as a break from my crazy, stressful lifestyle. I am feeling the benefit now (happier, less stress, more patience) and know that I will be getting more benefits in the long run (weight going down, less stress). It certainly felt great to vent and to ‘girl talk’. I am looking forward to tomorrow night.