I never knew I had so many lights! After a few days of doing this challenge I noticed that I was pretty good at turning off lights, apparently it was something that I did most of the time without really thinking. However, I also noticed that turning them on was also something I did without thinking. Whenever I entered a room, before even opening curtains or blinds and even when there was enough natural light from skylights, I would automatically turn on every light in the room. Sometimes I would turn on all the lights and not even bother to uncover the windows! As I realized this I started opening curtains and blinds first, once I did that, most of the time I didn’t even need to turn on a light as the sun was more than enough. This challenge also made me aware of how many lights I have. My bedroom alone has 6 bulbs in 4 different lamps/fixtures, all of which I used to turn on whenever I was inside! I went around the house and removed one bulb from each fixture that had multiple and now I only turn on the fixtures I need at that particular point in time. I can’t wait to see how low my energy bill will be this month!
Unnecessary Lights
Varsha Bhola
8 September 2014