SAD Disorder, or Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression that is related to the changes of seasons and begins and ends at the same time each year. Most people affected by the SAD Disorder have their symptoms start to fall in the winter and get better in the spring.
Three ways to combat this include:
1. Light Therapy — Also known as phototherapy, has patients site beside a specialised light box that mimics actual outdoor light to help boost the mood.
2. Medications — Some doctors recommend stating an antidepressant medication before your symptoms typically begin until after they would typically end. Bupropion, an extended release antidepression medication is a frequent medication that doctors use to treat the SAD Disorder, although other medications can also be used.
3. Psychotherapy — Also known as talk therapy can help those with SAD Disorder by helping them to identify and change negative thoughts and behaviors that may be making them feel worse; as well as help to identify healthy ways to cope with SAD and how to manage stress.
Other way to help alleviate symptoms from the SAD Disorder is making sure to get time outside, exercise regularly and make ones surroundings brighter. It is also recommending that you increase your omega-3s, melatonin, and participate in calming activities such as acupuncture, massage therapy and yoga.
I personally keep my vitamins high, try to make sure to get outside when I can, keep my surroundings bright, and exercise regularly. I have also been told by my personal doctor to increase your vitamin ds.