S.A.D is sad

Pedro Garzon
6 March 2015

I found out that Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression. 3 symptoms of S.A.D are:
-crying spells,
-trouble concentrating,
-body aches,
-loss of sex drive,
-poor sleep,
– decreased activity level,
-overeating, especially of carbohydrates, with associated weight gain.

In severe instances, seasonal affective disorder can be associated with thoughts of suicide.

Source: http://www.medicinenet.com/seasonal_affective_disorder_sad/article.htm

My own remedy: try to get as much sun as possible. Go outside. Sit by the window. When it’s really cold I sit by my window on the floor or in my rocking chair and let the sun touch my face as I drink tea and read a book. Even as I work on the computer I try to get some sun as in the winter there aint much of it and its not so so strong but it does warm my soul. Sometimes I do the yoga Sun Salutation to the sun and in the sun near the window, and that is nice.