Mrs Montgomery

Sophia McConnery
8 September 2014

She was a BEAUTIFUL teacher,inside and out. She made me SO aware of how backwards my parents were. She made me aware that I had to question a lot of my parents decisions reguarding me and how my life was to proceed. Her full name was Mrs.Elizabeth Montgomery. She also looked like the woman from BEWITCHED. She had a run in with my parents when I was in grade 6. She told them that if they send me to school in a dress she would contact the police, inform children’s aid and make sure I was taken away from them. At the time we were living in Orangeville,Ontario. During the winter months back in the 1960s  it was VERY cold, with lots of snow. The average day time temperature was about -40. Yes my parents sent me to school in dresses. They were raised girls wore dresses no matter what! Both were from Europe. Dad from Poland (1921)and mom from Germany (1927)! Needless to say I do not wear dresses hardly ever now!