I live alone and I am usually pretty good about saving electricity, but lately, I’ve been leaving all the lights on when I’ve been at home because I’ve been busy, preoccupied and I suppose wanting to feel like the place is not empty. Having a bright home in winter helps keep my mood bright too. But reading this challenge reminded me that I don’t NEED to have all the lights on, that it’s wasteful and that there are better ways to make my home feel brighter. So the past few days, I’ve starting doing as suggested, turning lights off when I leave rooms, and instead for mood lighting, I’ll light clean burning candles. I’ve also gotten in the habit of turning my electric heaters down over night, and when I leave the house to help save power there too. So far so good, I don’t see myself returning to old habits. I just can’t wait to see how much of a difference it makes on my hydro bill!
Thanks for the reminder to be conscious of my energy consumption.