Knowing when to unplug

Jennica Grimshaw
8 March 2014

I have been conscious lately about how much energy chargers and appliances use when left plugged in, and I have been trying to make a real effort the past two weeks. During the day, I unplug everything in my room– I rent from a friend of mine, and so my things are only in my room. I have also downloaded an app on my phone and my tablet that sets off an alarm when charging has completed. This allows me to unplug as soon as the device has finished charging. I only plug in the lamp in my bedroom at night, and so during the day there is nothing left to drain power (in my room, that is…). I have already gotten into the habit of unplugging everything before work, and I am sure I will keep it up.

Today I went through the common areas and unplugged two unused chargers and one unused appliance. I will try to investigate further to see which appliances can be unplugged. My roommate can be rather stubborn about things like this, so I will try my best to explain and convince her to do the same as well.