
kelsey mccrea
6 March 2015

Entry 1

Making an effort not to complain about anything for 3 days has been great. I don’t complain much as it is but when an opportunity to complain came up and I didn’t take it it felt good. I didn’t bring any negative energy to the room and my heart felt lighter. I’ll definitely make an effort to be optimistic more.

Entry 2

Today was a bad day. I couldn’t complain about it to anyone. I played really loud music on my way home from work and played a song on repeat. I learned all the words to an awesome rock song and I felt better. Instead of complaining I just wiped it away with yelling and guitar solos.

Entry 3

I have the type of personality that changes the whole mood of a room. I’ve known that for a long time, but disregarded that fact sometimes. If I’m grouchy and complaining nobody around me is happy. These past few days everyone I work with has been complaining less as I’ve conplained less. It’s wonderful.