This challenge is brought to you by LED Montréal

Lights Off!!

According to Hydro Quebec, if you’re going to leave a room for more than 10 minutes, get into the habit of switching off the lights. Some habits are hard to break, but not only will you save money by not having to replace bulbs so frequently, you’ll also save a heap on that Hydro bill.

If you have kids, get them involved and make it a fun, family activity. It’s a great way to start the conversation about energy consumption, and how every action, no matter how small, makes a difference. Ask them to keep an eye out for any lights left on, and encourage them to switch off lights especially when leaving their bedrooms by offering small incentives. They can also count how many lights bulbs are used in the house including lamps and ceiling lights – they might be surprised just how many there are!

voir l’article 1

Voir article 2

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This challenge is coming soon.

Last reports from users

  • Lights Off

    I usually have a bad habit of leaving the bathroom light on whenever I leave. However, because of this challenge, I have tried to consciously turn off the light whenever I leave. This challenge and th...

    Lauren Harvey

    22 October 2015

  • Lights Off

    We have decided to maximize the life of our lightbulbs and minimize our consumption of energy, helping the environment, by keeping our lights off unless we need them. We believe that this is the best ...

    Sharlene Mohlman

    2 March 2015

  • Unnecessary Lights

    I never knew I had so many lights! After a few days of doing this challenge I noticed that I was pretty good at turning off lights, apparently it was something that I did most of the time without real...

    Varsha Bhola

    8 September 2014

  • Close the light!!

    I don't know how many times I had to say this to my children as they were growing up. Sometimes they would remember and other times not, but one way I impressed upon them to remember was to show them ...

    joyce stem

    7 July 2014

  • Lights Off

    I live alone and I am usually pretty good about saving electricity, but lately, I've been leaving all the lights on when I've been at home because I've been busy, preoccupied and I suppose wanting to ...

    Mona Elgrably

    17 January 2014