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Eat at Least 5 Portions of Fruits and Vegetables

Eat at Least 5 Portions of Fruits and Vegetables

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As fruits and vegetables have a positive impact on your health (such as preventing heart disease, cancer or obesity), it is important to eat at least 5 portions a day. Canada’s Food Guide also suggests that fruits and vegetables should cover about half of your plate! It is easier than you think to add fruits and vegetables to your diet: prepare raw vegetables in advance, incorporate fruits in various recipes, add finely grated veggies like carrots or zucchini to dishes like pasta sauces or stews, drink vegetable juices, etc. For more information: Canada's Food Guide

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Take the Stairs Instead of the Elevator or Escalator

Take the Stairs Instead of the Elevator or Escalator

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Opting for the stairs is a great way to stay active. This exercise contributes to the recommended 30 minutes of physical activity we should be aiming for each day. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator helps burn more calories and improves fitness. It is a simple and healthy gesture to integrate into your routine.  

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Avoid Grocery Shopping When You Are Hungry

Avoid Grocery Shopping When You Are Hungry

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When we are hungry, everything we see seems enticing, and we also tend to crave more carbohydrates: chips, cookies, candy. Grocery shopping on an empty stomach can tempt us to buy unhealthy food that we would not normally buy. If you do not have a choice but to go grocery shopping when you are hungry, arm yourself with a list and follow it to a tee! This will help prevent you from making impulse purchases.

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Switch off the Lights When You Leave a Room

Switch off the Lights When You Leave a Room

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According to Hydro Quebec, if you’re going to leave a room for more than 10 minutes, get into the habit of switching off the lights. Some habits are hard to break, but not only will you save money by not having to replace bulbs so frequently, you’ll also save a heap on that Hydro bill. Natural light is healthier, calmer…and it’s free!

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Spread Some Happiness and Smile Often

Spread Some Happiness and Smile Often

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A smile not only improves your mood, it also lifts the spirits of others. The simple act of smiling sends a message to your brain that you’re happy. Research suggests that smiling has numerous physical, mental and emotional benefits. As a natural 'drug', smiling releases feel-good serotonin and pain-lowering endorphins, providing a healing effect on the body. And let’s not forget smiling is contagious! For more information: There's Magic In Your Smile

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Unplug Unused Chargers and Appliances

Unplug Unused Chargers and Appliances

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Many household electrical devices are designed to draw power 24/7. This extra energy – phantom power or standby power –sucks power from the grid into your home to ensure that certain features like clocks, timers and displays keep on working. It’s predicated that phantom power is responsible for 5 – 10% of your hydro bill. Get into the habit of unplugging chargers and appliances. If you have several chargers at home, designate a “charging area” where you can plug in all chargers in a single power bar.  

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Invite Friends Over for Dinner

Invite Friends Over for Dinner

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Social interactions can have a major influence on your well-being. Researchers have been exploring the positive connection between friendship and health for years. It’s no secret that good friends are good for your health. The simple act of sitting around the table, sharing stories, laughing and eating together is a sure way to maintain connections, build relationships, and foster the sense of belonging. You’ll feel healthier and happier by doing so. For more information: Stay Healthy and Happy by Eating With Friends 

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Look at Old Photos

Look at Old Photos

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Take a few moments to look at old photos and take a trip down memory lane. When you look back at old photos, you relive positive memories and often feel more connected and closer to family and friends. Recalling happy memories and experiences gives you a dose of good old-fashioned nostalgia. Research has proven that nostalgia helps improve our psychological well-being and mood. For More Information: How Throwback Thursday Benefits Our Psychological Well-being

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Avoid Foods With High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

Avoid Foods With High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

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A group of Princeton researchers recently discovered that rats given HFCS gained more weight that rats given table sugar even when calorie intake was identical. While it’s chemically similar to sugar, our bodies process HFCS in different ways. HFCS is especially prevalent in packaged foods. Read ingredient lists of items you regularly buy like juice, cereal, sliced bread, flavoured yogurt etc. and opt for foods not containing HFCS.

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Drink Enough Water According to Your Individual Needs

Drink Enough Water According to Your Individual Needs

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We often hear that we need eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day, but the truth is, there is no scientific evidence of this; think of the 8 by 8 rule more as a guideline. Your individual needs depend on factors such as your health and how active you are. In general, you should drink enough water so you seldom feel thirsty and your urine is a pale yellow or colourless. Drinking water helps every system in your body function properly and flushes toxins out of your vital organs.

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Go For a Quick Walk During Your Lunch Break

Go For a Quick Walk During Your Lunch Break

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Take a quick walk on your lunch break and get a dose of wellbeing while you’re at it. Research has proven that employees who are more physically active during their workday are more productive. Walking is a simple and effective way to feel more energized and regain focus. Making the most of your lunch break will get your creative juices flowing and reduce your level of stress. Over time, increase the distance you walk.

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