
Lights Off!!

Lights Off!!

According to Hydro Quebec, if you’re going to leave a room for more than 10 minutes, get into the habit of switching off the lights. En savoir plus

Read the Ingredient List of Processed or Packaged Foods

Read the Ingredient List of Processed or Packaged Foods

There are certain days when convenience is key when preparing meals for hungry family members. Convenient options seem endless, but by taking a few moments to read the ingredient lists, you’ll soon discover that not all choices are created equally. En savoir plus

Unplug Unused Chargers and Appliances

Unplug Unused Chargers and Appliances

Ever wondered why your cell phone charger feels warm even if your phone isn’t plugged in? It’s predicated that the extra energy used when chargers and appliances aren’t in use is responsible for 5 – 10% of your hydro bill. En savoir plus