First day

Sunniva Vann
19 March 2015

Entry 1

This past Sunday I spent my first day of no complaints – it worked out oh so well! It served as a useful tool – before I was about to complain (most of the time) I would remember to take a moment, ponder the issue and determine if it would be worthwhile to bother voicing the problem. Next step I hope is not complaining at all! That’s today’s goal.

Entry 2

Another day of success so far! Today with work we taught 19 kids at a day camp how to make a huge lunch (enough to feed all 50 of the camp’s participants), and despite the craziness, no complaints. I am just about to get a coffee though, and until I make it out to get one there maybe a few complaints in my path. I’ll try and hold my tongue!

Entry 3

Didn’t have too much of a problem for the last day – it was a very busy day at work which didn’t leave much time for chit chatting much, let alone complaining. Evening didn’t have any complaints either, as it was St. Patrick’s day spent with friends! This was a cool experiment. I plan to stay mindful of complaints!