How great life is without a cell phone!

Aviva Fuchs
10 February 2015

As a teacher, I am always extremely busy during the school year. My pleasure and how I relax is taking out DVD’s from my local library. As I am constantly preparing worksheets and lesson plans on the computer, lately I have tried to use the computer less often and I am reading more books. I do not own a cell phone and when I tell friends, colleagues and even my students about it, they are totally shocked. They cannot understand how I live without a cell phone. I tell them that I am so happy not to be attached to a cell phone. I hate watching people communicate through their cell phones instead of communicating directly with the person. I even watched a young couple in a fancy restaurant constantly texting and never once did they talk to each other. Extremely bizarre behavior. That is what technology is doing. It is causing less personal conversation. To me it is very sad to see!