Keep your New Year’s Resolution

Isabelle Vallerand
16 January 2015

My only resolution is to get in shape, I don’t need to lose weight but i definitely need to be more toned and endurant.

This is the website I use:

LogYourRun is a tool for managing your time spent on exercise each week of your life. You can also log how much you run, how much you bike, strength train, swim, walk, and more. It helps you track your progress and stay motivated to keep going.

LogYourRun lets you see recent routes people around the world have run, biked, walked, etc. You can find and use the same paths, or share your own. The site also suggests training regimens for beginners and people who want to run their first 1/2 marathon, along with others training programs.

If you want to use LogYourRun on the go, the site also provides an app for iOS ($1.99).

And this is my resource: