Ever wondered why your cell phone charger feels warm even if your phone isn’t plugged in? It’s predicated that the extra energy used when chargers and appliances aren’t in use is responsible for 5 – 10% of your hydro bill. That’s more than $100 per year for the average household!
According to Natural Resources Canada there are a growing number of household electrical devices that are designed to draw power 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This extra energy – phantom power or standby power – as it is often referred to sucks power from the grid into your home to ensure that certain features like clocks, timers and displays keep on working.
Even though 5-10% doesn’t sound like much, it can certainly add up over time. Get into the habit of unplugging chargers and ask the kids to keep an eye out for plugged in chargers and appliances. If you’re like many of us who have several chargers at home, designate a “charging area” where you can plug in all chargers in a single power bar, making it easier to turn them all off at once.
How many chargers and appliances were you able to unplug?
For more information:
Natural Resources Canada
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